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Galaxy is Completely Automatic Screen Printer with vision. This is an accurate printer with vision, independent camera that provide geometric matching location, with upwards and downwards imagen. The printer comes with automatic solder paste application function that Automatically add solder paste in set up points on set up time, also calculate the quantity of solder paste to apply over the stencil screen. This printer provides high precision and repeatability, increasing productivity.

Solder paste application is a important process in the surface mount technology, (SMT) if it is no done well, it cause the majority of the failure in an SMT line.


  • PCB Thickness adjusting System.
  • Vacuum Suction function.
  • Intelligent squeegee system.
  • Automatic Cleaning System
  • Temperature and humidity Control Function
  • 2D inspection & SPC


Printing head Floating intelligent printing head (two independent direct connected motors)
Template frame size 470mm x 370mm~737 mm x 737 mm
Maximum printing area(X x Y) 450mm x 350mm
Squeegee type Steel/Glue Squeegee(Angel 45°/50°/60° matching the printing process)
Squeegee length 3 0 0 m m( 2 0 0 m m ~ 5 0 0 m m ) ( o p ti o n a l w i t h l e n g t h o f 2 0 0 m m - 5 0 0 m m )
Squeegee height 65±1mm
Squeegee thickness 0.25mm Diamond-like carbon 0.25mm Diamond-like carbon coating
Printing mode Single or double Squeegee printing
Demoulding length 0.02mm-12mm
Printing speed 0~200mm/s
Printing pressure 0.5kg - 10Kg
Printing stroke ±200 mm (From the center)
Cleaning mode 1. Drip cleaning system; 2. Dry, wet and vacuum modes
Length of cleaning & wiping plate 380mm(300mm,450mm,500mm)(optional with 300mm, 450mm, 500mm)
Field of view 8mm x 6mm
Platform adjustment range X:±5.0mm,Y:±7.0mm,θ:±2.0°
Benchmark point type Standard shape benchmark poin(t SMEMA standard),solder pad/openings
Camera system Independent camera,upwards/downwards imaging vision system,geometric matching location
Repeat position accuracy ±10.0μm @6 σ,Cpk ≥ 2.0
Repetition accuracy ±20.0μm @6 σ,Cpk ≥ 2.0
Cycle time <7s (Exclude printing and cleaning)
Product changeover < 5min
Power requirements ±10.0μm @6 σ,Cpk ≥ 2.0
Compressed air requirements ±20.0μm @6 σ,Cpk ≥ 2.0
Operating system < 7s (Exclude printing and cleaning)
External dimension < 5min
Machine weight


I.C.T is a manufacturer of SMT machines. It mainly provides customers with SMT production lines including SMT Stencil Printers,  Pick and place machines, Reflow Oven, AOI Machine, Wave Soldering Machine and PCB Handling Machine etc. I.C.T has more than 25 researches on SMT and DIP technology,  for the world Customers provide SMT total solutions. There are successful cases of SMT technical team in Asia, Europe, America, Africa, and Australia.

I.C.T provide SMT solutions at various stages according to the different needs of customers. I.C.T is not only a provider of SMT equipment and technology, but also is the customer's escort in the field of SMT and DIP.

Welcome more people to discuss with us about SMT technologies and solutions, please contact us for more information:

Tel: +86 13670124230 (WhatsApp/Skype/WeChat)




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